In an email on Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Elizabeth Waterhouse wrote
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
This May I will present a lecture series on dance at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm in Frankfurt. I warmly welcome you! Please share this invitation with others, especially to people outside the field of dance.
Fr. 02. Th. 08. Th. 15. Th. 22. — Mai.2014
"DANCE | SPEAK to me!" is a lecture and discussion series with artist Elizabeth Waterhouse, a freelance dancer formerly with The Forsythe Company. While artists endlessly question what they do and why they do it, frequently this process happens alone, with other artists, or in a post-performance discussion with an audience and moderator. As an alternative, Elizabeth Waterhouse and Tanzlabor_21 invite the community of Frankfurt and the region to a series of talks addressing fundamental questions in the field of dance. Inspired by Foucault, each lecture will use historical and current examples from dancers' lives and work to consider the spoken and unspoken within dance, to better understand how dancing power works.
While intended as a series, the evenings can also be attended individually. The lectures will be in English, discussions in German/English. Prior knowledge of dance will not be assumed.